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วันจันทร์ที่ 11 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How to Choose the Soccer Position That's Right for YOU!

How to Choose the Soccer Position That's Right for YOU!
I can remember when I first started playing soccer when I was very young, everyone wanted to be a striker because they wanted to score all the goals and getall the glory. And it's probably still true today that young kids first starting to play the game will mostly want to have the ball for themselves and take all the shots. That's only natural and it's why you see people just chasing the ball around the pitch without creating any space for themselves. But just because everyone wants to be a striker, it doesn't mean everyone should be one.
No! Everyone has different strengths in life and this is no different in soccer. So if you're wondering what position is right for you then don't just go with the popular vote and be a striker, think about which position will fit your talents. If this is indeed striker then by all means play up front- it is after all a great position, but if the position that suits you is not a striker, then don't be afraid to choose it.
Of course you might now be thinking, 'how do I know which position my abilities are suitable for?' and 'can't I just play where I want and like to play?'. And to this I say that yes, you should always only play where you enjoy playing- if you don't enjoy sport what's the point in playing right? But you do also need the appropriate abilities to go with any given position and to find out if you have these, you need to know what attributes are needed for each and every one of the soccer positions.
So by now you'll have realised that choosing your soccer position comes down to three fundamental things: which position you think you'll like to play in, which skills are needed for that position and whether you have or could develop those skills to play in that position.
If you want to be a goalkeeper for example, you will need to be brave, agile and have good reflexes. You'll also need to develop presence and confidence as you go along and practice the specific techniques like shot stopping, handling and taking crosses. You'll need to be able to use instinct, have a good sense of position,read the game, communicate well and have good judgement. One thing about being a goalkeeper though is that you get long periods where you don't have to do anything. And keep it in mind that the majority of the action is simply coming out and collecting the ball! Sometimes, however, you will get the chance to make a fine save and this is when the real thrills of the position come out. If throwing yourself in front of a hard hit shot sounds like fun to you then this could be the position you were made for!
With a defender, the ability to tackle and head are very important. A good sense of position is also important and communication is essential. You've also got to be quick and strong as well as to be able to do the simple things like make good short passes. Defender can be a very hard position to play in and is only for a certain type of person who can pull it off. You don't get to score many goals or even set them up so its probably the position with the least amount of glory involved, but if it's right for you then it's right for you: simple as that!
Midfielders need to have good passing and crossing abilities at their disposal, and equally significant is the talent and vision to be able to seek out the people to pass it to. Tackling and positioning can be very important for a defensive midfielder, whilst for an attacking midifelder it is a useful quality to be able to hit accurate long shots at goal... plus speed is crucial for getting up to support the forwards.
Strikers need to good movement, dribbling ability, shooting ability and heading ability as well as the natural instinct to get themselves in the box at the right time. The most succesful strikers can make good runs and get onto the end of balls they're not expected to make, whilst also being able to weave some magic like a skillfull or powerful goal.
I hope by giving you a brief insight into the requirements of each position you can see what qualities you'll need to play there. The aim is that this leads you on to see whether you have or want to develop these qualities in order to play in the position that automatically appeals to you. And if no single position attracts you, just keep watching lots of soccer to try and make a decision. Or even better, try them all out by playing yourself and see what suits you best. Once you've found a position you love you might find yoursef at home there and want to play there forever!
So this article should have given you at least a little assistance if you were unsure which position to play in and if not, then my advice is just to keep watching and playing soccer until it becomes obvious to you.
And if you need any help or furthe reading then I might refer you to
About the Author
Website helping soccer beginners to get into the game by increasing their knowledge and understanding of everything in the game and then improving their skills. The information covers soccer positions, soccer formations, soccer rules and much more!

วันศุกร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Golf's Secret Weapon - Hypnosis

Golf's Secret Weapon - Hypnosis by Michelle Beaudry.
Golfers make me grin. It's fun helping them get the edge on their competition. Lucky for me, my practice is in Orlando, Florida where golfers abound. And whenever I meet one, that grin just pops right up.
A case in point: some time back, I noticed a married couple walking arm and arm into an event, and he sported a golf shirt bearing the name of a prominent golf magazine. So I said, "Hi. Do you work for that magazine, or are you just wearing the shirt?"
"I'm one of the editors," he puffed.
"Good. I'm hypnotist Michelle Beaudry, and would you like to know why we hypnotists chuckle at you golfers when we get together?"
Of course he did, and said so. Smilingly I began, "You golfers always show up on time, you already know it works, you happily pay the fee, you follow instructions to the letter, but..."
He eyed me narrowly as I raised my voice in a flourish, "But, you golfers never refer."
He burst out laughing, nodding and bobbing his head. The woman on his arm looked aghast. "Oh, yeah,” he said, "I went to a hypnotist for golf..."
Her jaw dropped. "You went to a hypnotist? And you didn't tell me? I'm your wife!"
"Oh, yeah, I went. Loved it."
"Why didn't you tell me?" she pleaded.
I interjected, "Because they never do. Golfers never tell anyone about their secret weapon."
"That's what it is, "he agreed, "a secret weapon. And I never told a soul."
See? Golfers don’t even tell their wives.
Why? Because the word "hypnosis" bears creepy connotations born of bad Hollywood films and ill-informed tv writers. There has never been a single film or tv show that accurately portrays what hypnosis is or why it works so well. Golfers don't care about the movies, they care about their game. And they whisper in low voices, spreading rumors on the links...
"Did you hear that Tiger Woods uses a hypnotist?"
"All the pros do."
Most golf pros do indeed hire "sports consultants" who use "visualization" to help them conquer the mental game of golf. Be not fooled. These sports consultants are hypnotists, use hypnosis, and someday when the general public wakes up to the truth, we all all be able to use the "H Word" loudly and proudly. It is not mind control, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the occult. It has everything to do with improving your game. Or your life.
In one simple two hour session, all the improvement areas golfers typically need can be covered. These include setting a peak performance trigger, implanting a clean slate for every new tee-up, processing self-forgiveness of all past golf mistakes, raising their ceiling of excellence, creating permission to excel, installing a shield against distractions, and so much more. It can even be done over the phone.
You've seen pros use their peak performance triggers many times on tv, like when one of them always taps his or her cap or presses a thumb and finger together before every shot. We hypnotists attach an excellent golf shot of the past to the trigger, so that same quality of excellence is accessed time and time again. It works consistently and well. Surprisingly, golfers often plateau at a too-low level of competence because it can feel risky to excel. Yet once in hypnosis, they process old emotional programming and raise their ceiling of excellence. And voila: better golf.
All hypnosis does is set your conscious mind aside and access your stronger, more powerful subconscious. And there are lots of ways this happens to you every day. When you read a book, for instance, you are actually just looking at ink on a piece of paper; yet, in your mind's eye, you see all the action in bright living color. Yes, reading a novel does indeed automatically put you into a light trance state (provided you like the book). Falling in love puts you into a deep trance state. Yes, all of us have been in hypnosis over and over again without even knowing it.
Hypnotists operate under the same federal laws as doctors and psychologists. We may not disclose to any third party the name of any client. Our clients, on the other hand, may of course disclose our names, and they do, happily referring us to their friends and family. I get referrals from clients all the time.
Except golfers. I'm their secret weapon, and they ain't tellin' nobody.

About the Author
Michelle Beaudry, board certified hypnotist near Orlando, Florida, takes clients in person and by phone from all over the world. Contact 407 862-9144 or

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Jesse Ownes - His Life and Story

Jesse Ownes - His Life and Story
by John Grant
The man known to the world as Jesse Owens was given the full name of James Cleveland Owens when he was born on the 12th of September in 1913. His parents were Henry and Emma Owens, who provided for their ten children by planting various crops on their farm in Oakville, Alabama.
Financial difficulties forced the Owens family to relocate to Cleveland, Ohio. The seventh of the ten, young J.C. earned the moniker Jesse when his teacher mistook "JC" for Jesse, and it stuck with him.
Life still proved difficult for the family, and young Jesse had to perform various odd jobs after school to help. Nevertheless, he still found time to engage in his favorite activity: running. And it was in one of these gym exercises that coach Charles Riley saw the potential in the young man.
Jesse Owens joined the high school team, and there was no turning back. In his last year at high school at Cleveland East High he equaled the 100 yard world record, and duplicated the feat when he competed in the Chicago Interscholastic Championships.
Although a budding track star, Jesse Owens experienced many more hardships especially when he entered Ohio State University in 1933. Racial discrimination was still widespread; he could only participate in "blacks only" campus events, and was also denied scholarship. Furthermore he could only stay and enter hotels and eateries that were for blacks. Yet he persevered.
On May 25, 1935, Jesse Owens established three world records and equaled another. This feat, which took place in Ann Arbor, was made all the more remarkable because the time involved spanned less than 45 minutes. In addition, Owens had an injured back. Yet despite this, he equaled the 100 yard dash time of 9.4 seconds. At his very first attempt at the broad jump, he leapt 26 feet 8¼ inches, smashing the previous mark by six inches.
Next, he clocked in 20.3 seconds at the 220 yard dash, obliterating the old record by three tenths of a second. Finally Jesse Owens set another world record at the 220 yard low hurdles, setting a new mark by completing it in 22.6 seconds.
It was against this background that Jesse Owens entered the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Here, Adolf Hitler wanted to prove to the world that the German Aryan race was superior, but Owens instead emerge victorious in the broad jump,100 meter, the 200 meter sprint and was part of the 400 meter relay team that took the gold.
For all his success on the field, Jesse Owens still had financial problems. He could not get any endorsements because he was black, so he had to resort to performing in exhibitions, running against baseball players, race horses, bikes etc.
Eventually he became involved in public speaking engagements and this proved so successful he managed to establish his own PR firm. He spoke for Olympics committees, companies, and also the youth.
In 1976, US President Gerald Ford awarded Jesse Owens the Medal of Freedom for having fought and defeated the forces of racism and bigotry to emerged triumphant.
About the Author
John Grant is a the author for a Jesse Owen autobiography site where he is writing articles about Jesse Owens life.

วันพุธที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Motorcycle Apparel- Style and Protection at the Same Time

Motorcycle Apparel- Style and Protection at the Same Time

by Mike McGrath

Nowadays, style is what defines our personality. Who does not like the idea of style ruling every aspect of one's personality? The way you walk, talk, drive, sit and stand all are defined by the way to carry yourself and your style. Style has become an integral part of our lives and we cannot let go of style that easily even if we want to. Whether it is your job place, meeting someone or taking part in sports you will find style to be everywhere.
We know that biking is a common hobby amongst youngsters today. Thus, showing off bikes is common amongst them. Not only bikes and its special features but also motorcycle apparel is also a thing of competition amongst youngsters. Motorcycle apparel is considered as a good way of showing off your style. Combining motorcycle apparel with your bike or vehicle is important if you want to show off without embarrassing yourself. The need for motorcycle apparel is not only to show off but also that it protects the rider from accidents or those elements that can cause any harm.
Motorcycle apparel is becoming popular day by day. You can find a variety of apparels in the market. Depending on rider's needs, varieties of motorcycle apparel are available in the market. Motorcycle apparels are made up of nylon and polyester. The three common types of apparels available in the market are dirt bike, casual and apparels for kids. If you are an adventurous type and love challenges then selecting from dirt bike category will be the right choice. Dirt bike motorcycle apparel offers protection and comfort as well as has that style factor in it.
For those would like to buy quality but simple in appearance motorcycle apparel then casual apparel is the right choice. The aim of motorcycle apparel is to offer comfort and safety to the individual wearing it. Motorcycle apparel includes jackets, boots, gloves, jersey and pants. Most of these apparels are made of polyester and so offers rider comfort. Quality Motocross jerseys have insert panels on sleeves and back. These insert panels provides some ventilation.
Another Important apparel is motocross pants. Without motocross pants motorcycle apparel can never be complete. Motocross pants offers sharp resistance to the riders legs especially knees to protect them in case of any fall. Gloves are important as well. Gloves are used to maintain a strong grip on handlebars. Maintaining a strong grip is important, as you do not want to lose the grip when you are moving fast on your bike. The two common types used by the riders are: Enduro gloves and motocross gloves. The main difference between the two types is more padding on the palm side in former. More padding makes them suitable for long rides.
Numerous Motorcycle apparels are available in the market. Your primary choice should be those motorcycle apparel that offer comfort and protection to the rider before moving on to secondary ones that are for style. Always shop around first before making the choice.

About the Author provides an amazing selection of Motorcycle Apparel such as Motorcycle Helmets MX Gear and Motorcycle Accessories.